The Simpsons
The Simpsons is a comedy show that has a strong critic about the United States culture and sometimes the rest of the world, the program shows the life of a typical american family, a couple with three kids, Maggie, Bart and Lisa.
I think the show has such an impact because is not all fantasy, they use characters of the real life, like presidents and singers so you can relate more with the stories in every episode.
I think my favourite character is Lisa, i like her because she is almost the only character that gives the show a bit of sense. She has such a strong point of view, she intelligent and she fights for everything she thinks it’s wrong in Sprigfield, in school and also in her family.
I like the episode when lisa becomes friends with Nelson, the bully of the show, i believe it’s a good episode because Lisa and Nelson are opposite in every way you can think of, but when they start hanging out together Lisa gets a little bit rebel, which i think Lisa lacks in her daily life, and Nelson stops bullying his classmates and shows his sensitive side.